The Red Lion Litton
The Red Lion Litton

Its goodbye from her …..

…. and its goodbye from me!  We’ve sold the pub!

Not sure I how feel about this one … I’ve always lived at the pub for my whole 9 years and her ladyship for 5 years.  What an adventure it has been.  I started my pub life in a cage on the bar.  It was ok to begin with but as I grew (very quickly) I wanted out.  “Humph, you can’t go on the floor until you’ve had your jabs”.  Two trips to the vet later, smelly stuff rubbed in my neck, I was free!  I loved laying by Max’s feet (a past landlord here who used to pop in everyday for his Absolution), and my favourite place to toilet was under table 12!  Mum soon sorted that one!!

I’ve had a ball meeting you all.  Thank you for all the cuddles and kind words but most of all the treats!  My friend Martin giving me ‘chew bones’ every time he came in, Helen popping in every week with the brass band after their practice, always a treat for me in her pocket, and my bessie mate Toby.  I love Toby, he just understands me.  He comes every day to take me (or Lady Henrietta) for a walk.  We’ve had some real ‘man to man’ talks.  Toby is going to travel the big wide world soon but until then he will still come to see me everyday, brill!

I’ll really miss Chef and his orange things but I’ve heard him say to Mum ‘don’t forget to take those dogs with you!’.  I think he’s joking and will really miss us as much as we miss him ……….

………but, we will still be around.  We’re only moving up the road to the next village.  If I have anything to do with it we’ll be sat outside the pub in the sun enjoying a doggie beer so don’t forget those treats!

Tomas & Kristina are the new owners and I know they have got a dog (not a black lab) but something called a ‘border collie’.  I though a ‘collie’ was a vegetable that I’ve seen Chef cook but we’ll see!!  They do seem very nice tho so I hope you will come in to see them but don’t spoil the ‘collie’ too much!

So, thank you, thank you, thank you, we have simply loved living at the Red Lion and meeting you all.  Life will be different now but I’ve heard Mum say ‘Humph we’ll take a trip to the seaside’ ….. I can’t wait!

with lots and lots of love, kisses and drools, Humphrey & Hettie XX

That time of year!

Well its nearly here.  The tree is up and looks very pretty (just like me).  There are decorations inside and out.  (I keep hearing “ooh Jeanne the outside of the pub looks lovely”).  Well let me tell you there is nothing more lovely than me!  I love to ‘swan around’ from one table to the next and customers just can’t help stroking and tickling me.  If they stop I give them a smack with my paw and they soon start again 🙂

We’ve been really busy, I know because there have been lots of people coming in with strange jumpers on and I keep hearing Chef shout “oh no, not another turkey”.  I thought Turkey’s were birds and find it a bit rude that Chef calls our customers Turkeys, oh well, he is from the ‘South’.  This Thursday the local Brass Band are coming in to play music and everyone sings along and eats mince pies.  Now I find it all a bit loud but the good thing is they drop loads of crumbs and let me tell you, when it comes to food there is NO ONE as quick as me.  By the time Humph has caught up I’ve cleaned up and moved in to the bar waiting for Martin with the treats.  Martin has always been Humph’s friend but when it comes to food he treats us the same …… he values his fingers too much!

I have got some new special friends.  Well Toby will always be mine & Humph’s special friend, but Andy & Gabby love dogs, especially ‘Labs ‘ … even chocolate ones.  They used to have some but now they let friends have ‘sleep overs’.  How cool is that!  So I’ve overheard that I’m off to stay in January, can’t wait!  Mum & Dad have no idea.  They treat me like the princess I am and I simply do what ever I want …  well that’s what I tell Mum between you and me??

So, its time for my “come on Hett toilet, its time for bed”.  So I’ll bid you a good night and hope to catch up soon.

Yours, Lady Henrietta of Litton x


About time!!

I’ve kept saying to Mum, “switch the machine on I want to write my blog”.  But its always, “yes in a mo Humph”.  What is a Mo?  I hear that word often.  So, the other day a lovely dog called Willow came in.  Now I know one of Hettie’s puppies is called Willow.  I’m sure all Hettie’s puppies are lovely but any talk of Hettie and puppies makes my eyes stand out on storks, a bit like one of those cartoons.  Anyway, I shouldn’t have panicked, this Willow was no relation.  A lovely dog, just popped in for a beer.  Apparently Willow’s Mum & Dad read my blog, they must have good taste!

Peak Sweep have been here today.  He’s called Matt Ramsden.  I know he’s a good man because he has got a ‘black lab’ even if it is a girl!  Matt has known me a long time and always calls me Montgomery!  I’m not sure why but I like that name, its sort of a bit posh.  I can see Lady Henrietta turn her nose away when he talks to me, ha ha.  Anyway, Matt and his friend have fitted a lovely new log burner in the top room.  Just in time for the cold winter nights and in a ideal place for me to take residence.  I’m 8 now and I must admit a bit lazy.  Mum says I am like her and love my bed.  On the other hand, her ladyship is like Dad, out of bed at the crack of dawn and clatters about until everyone is up and working.  I’ve asked Mum for some ear muffs but they are a long time coming.

I can’t believe it will soon be Christmas! Or that is what I keep hearing.  Mum and Chef have decided on the Menu.  She said it will be ‘online’ very soon.  I’m not sure what this online looks like but I hope the orange things will appear!  Chef is changing our usual menu at ‘the mo’ so who knows what will appear!

So, I am going to keep pestering Mum to keep this blog up to date.  I suppose she will be asking Henrietta if she wants to do the next one …. who knows what she will be saying but it will be all porkie pies!!

Thanks for reading

See you soon Humph




Well Hello all my lovely friends, its a New Year!  That means another birthday and its mine next Thursday so if you’re passing!! …. chew bones gratefully received.  I’ve lost 2 kilo, well at least that’s what Mum tells me, I don’t think I’ve lost anything!  She said “Humph, I wish I’d lost 2 kilo”.  What does 2 kilo look like?  I hope its not food if I’ve lost it.  Me and Hettie had a pretty grotty time in December.  I was running round the field when my leg suddenly gave away and I ended up walking on 3 legs …… I have to say I’m pretty good on 3 legs!  Anyway, it was my ‘cruciate ligament’ so off we went to the vets.  Of course, never to miss out Her Ladyship had to come with me!  Mum decided that there wouldn’t be more puppies, thank goodness, so Hettie was booked in the same day as me.  My operation went very well but obviously the attention seeker decided she would make a big job of hers.  She was in surgery for over 2 hours!!  Anyway, we both stayed at the vets overnight and came home the next day.  Hettie was soon back to normal, mine took a bit longer.  I’m pleased to say I visit a lovely lady called Cathy every week and walk on a think that moves full of water.  I just love splashing but get the impression I shouldn’t be!  Cathy has got a brilliant swimming pool as well.  I sneak a look every week but Mum says ‘not this week Humph”, spoil sport!

The pub has been quiet, Dry January apparently??  But things are picking up!  Chef is busy in the kitchen and the smells are  d i v i n e.  The fires are lit and its lovely and cosy curled up in front of them, I blend in with the carpet so no one sees me!  So get yourself in and don’t forget …….. next Thursday it’s a special day!  Oh yes …… its something called Valentines Day on Tuesday as well ……… I wonder if Albert will pop in to see me!?!

Your faithful mate

Humph and the chocolate one! X

So much to tell you! …..

It’s such a long time since I did our blog but SO much has happened.  Do you remember me telling you about babies?  It happened!  Hettie went off to Cheshire for the day to meet ‘Winston’, otherwise known as Carriegame Moonshine, how posh is that!  Apparently another ‘black lab’!  Mum said I had been done, whatever that means, so Winston was called upon.  Hettie came home that day and my, she changed!  It was like living with another dog (I wished she had stayed that way!).  She was really chilled out, began eating more and putting weight on.

So fast forward a few weeks, Hettie disappeared.  I loved it!  My life was back to normal.  I was down in the pub all day getting loads of fuss.  Martin kept me going in ‘chew bones’ and Chef supplied the orange things.  Life was great!  Then I was taken to catch up with Hettie at the cottage.  OMG, there was 7 more Hettie’s!  Mum said ‘look Humph, they are so sweet’.  I gave a sideways glance and that was enough.  How could they do this to me.  One Hettie stretches me to the limit, but this many, NOOOOO.  I refused to engage with them and insisted I returned to the pub and my lovely life.  I’m a pretty chilled black lab and love nothing more than mooching about, doing my own thing.  My mate Toby came everyday and we had some great walks and chats about life.

I was beginning to get really worried that Barney, Stan, Nellie, Poppy, Callie, Bella and Willow would be moving in.  Mum and Dad talked about nothing else and all the customers were shown photos, whether they wanted to or not!  It was really sickening. Easter weekend came and went, the sun was shining and the pub was rammed.  I managed to escape onto the village green and clean up all the crumbs dropped from Chef’s lovely food.  Then …….. low and behold, who should appear, Hettie!  On her own, she just swanned in as if nothing had happened.  Miss bossy boots was straight back in to her routine and life returned to ‘normal’

I’ve had to used to her back in my life.  She’s not too bad I suppose!  But one thing I do know is that Mum loves me, she tells me every day and that’s good enough for me.

I hear we’re off swimming tomorrow, I’m better than Hettie,  tee hee

Speak soon yours Humph

and her ladyship! X


Where do we begin ……

What’s Covid?  Everyone is using the word so much me and Hettie look up every time we hear it!  Some customers are wearing things over their faces.  Me and Hettie can usually tell when we are liked but now, who knows!  One good think Martin, my mate, doesn’t wear one so all is good there, our biscuit tin is full!

Mum and Dad went away for a much needed holiday.  We went in home boarding.  We love it!  Kath is great and we just take over her house.  I don’t know why Mum sends our beds because we sleep on the settee.  Anyway, we had a great time and ready to come home but guess what?  Mum & Dad got ‘Covid’ and were stuck on holiday.  We’re still not sure what it is but they both look tired and keep coughing, I hope me and Hettie don’t catch it!

We were so pleased to be back home and in our routine…….well that means chilling our for me, and boyfriend seeking for Hettie!   That said, I’ve heard Mum and Dad talk about babies.  Well even I know Mum is too old to have babies.  So that can only mean one thing…….Lady Henrietta!!  Oh Noooooo!  I just don’t think I could stand more than one Hettie.  I’ll keep you posted but if you see me with my bag packed you’ll know

Speak soon


How time flies…..

Well…. its the last day of August!  The pub opened again in July after all that time closed.  We’re thrilled to see everyone again especially Martin.  He’s been my mate for years and always gives me (and now Hettie) dog treats.  We have to wait upstairs until everyone has finished eating then down we go!  We wear pink collars that say “DO NOT FEED”.  Martin reads it as DONUT and says we can have cake.  We’re still waiting??

I don’t think, in all my time here, that the pub has been so busy.  Mum and Dad always look tired.  Oh yes he is officially Dad now!  They got married in June.  Of course we weren’t allowed to go because we would have jumped up Mum’s dress …… spoil sport!  We go and stay with Kath, a lovely lady in Buxton.  We stay in her house and get spoilt rotten.  Mum says she can tell because we sit at the table when we come home and wait for the treats …..umm?

Chef has been really busy.  He makes the lovely pies but they sell as fast as he makes them.  I’m not surprised they smell loooovely.  It does mean that the orange treats are back on the menu tho, lovely!

Well my lovely friends, me and Hettie will keep prompting Mum to get the laptop out so we can tell you are news…..there is so much to tell

Bye for now

Humph and Henrietta! XX

Yorkshire Pudding!

What exactly is Yorkshire Pudding? Our Dad talks a bit different to us, he’s from Sheffield.  Every Sunday we hear him say ‘Ooh Yorkshire Pudd’.  He actually drools!  We thought it was just us that did that when it’s time for tea?  He says ‘when I was a lad we had it wi gravy before a meal and sometimes after wi honey’.  We think thats greedy!  We get one meal, twice a day, that’s it!  Maybe if we started to talk a bit different we’d get offered ‘Yorkshire Pudding’ as well.  Sunday’s are good because the pub does takeout Sunday dinners and you know what that means?  Yes, the long orange things have reappeared, yippee!  Of course, we are shut upstairs but we can hear people come to the pub to collect, its lovely to hear voices again.  It will be even better when we are open all day and our friends with dog treats are around.

Need to dash now, the orange things have just appeared, think it’s time to drool.

Catch up very soon Humph & Hettie

Takeaways …….

Wednesday is Pie Night, all homemade and lovely! On Sunday’s we do a beaut Sunday Roast with a pudding if you choose.  All available for collection or local delivery. Our menu is on here or see our facebook page.  We recommend you book early to guarantee.  Our takeouts will continue until we are able to reopen our doors, hopefully April, fingers crossed!

My Turn ….

I just knew, as soon as Hettie found out about our blog she has been ‘let me do it’, ‘let me do it’, well NO Hettie, its my turn!  It’s been quite a busy week.  Sunday was Valentines Day.  I asked Mum if I could send a message to my friend Albert, but Mum said today wasn’t the day to do that.  I don’t know why, I love Albert and as they say, anything goes?  Anyway, I’m hoping we will open the pub again very soon, so I will tell Albert myself!  Mum and Dad keep watching the square thing in the corner of the room.  A man keeps appearing.  Now, I know we can’t have our hair cut at the moment, but this Man’s blond hair looks like it has been through some of the biggest puddles I’ve ever seen.  You would think he has a Mum to put it right?  Anyway the point is, this is the man who will tell me when everyone can come and see me, Chef will be giving me the long orange thinks again (I really miss them), and my friend Martin will be in again with the chew bones, I just CAN’T wait.

Today my friends is MY BIRTHDAY.  I am 6 today.  When Mum took Hettie out for her walk she gave me a HUGE bone just for me, it was l-o-v-e-l-y!  There is some lovely smells coming from our kitchen upstairs so I’m hoping for more treats later!  Mum is sending a photo of me to my first mum, Debbie, in Derby.  It’s very confusing, ‘how many Mums are you supposed to have”?  Talking of Mums’s, I keep hearing “Andrew, I think she’s coming in season”?  I think they’re thinking of having babies with Hettie!!  OH NO!! I found it really hard when Hettie came to live with us, but, she’s grown on me, still a pain, but I suppose I love her, but the thought of more Hettie’s, I just can’t think about it!!

I’m off to check on my cake in the oven……I hope there’s some beer in the fridge?

Yours HumphreyHumphrey