The Red Lion Litton

Where have you been ….

……you might well ask!  The times I’ve said “Mum blog” but she’s always busy with this and that.                                                                                                    THIS is Andrew, mum’s b-o-y-f-ri-e-n-d-.  She said “Humph this is your new Dad”.  I thought my dad was a black labrador called Hugo from Derby but hey ho.  I like Andrew, he’s a nice chap.  He takes me walks, gives me treats (usually when mum’s not looking) and tickles my belly…..I don’t care if you think I’m a wuss, I love having my belly tickled, don’t you?

Then there is THAT!…….That is Hettie!  She’s my new sister!  I had a lovely relaxed life, just me, mum and ……dad, but now this thing has moved in.  Now you know how proud I am at being a ‘black lab’, so what is she …..chocolate.  “Ooh what a lovely colour”, “Ooh look at her eyes”, “Ooh she’s lovely” …I’m sick of it,  there is only one type of lab ….a black one!

There is loads to tell you so keep in touch.  Yours Humphrey.   

Oh Nooooo, two paw prints!