The Red Lion Litton

My mate Toby

I love Toby and I think he loves me!  As you know my friends the weather has been terrible and although I love the white stuff it has been a bit cold!  My mate Toby has been EVERY day to take me for a walk.  Sometimes he has come back more Dalmation looking than me.  He never complains.  I’ve even been a bit naughty and found water where he can’t reach me.  I pretended not to hear ‘come on Humph’ and he had to wade in and fetch me out – sorry Toby!  All this heavy walking has made me loose weight.  Mum said ‘why can’t I have a waist like that Humph?’  I suggested she tried the orange diet but she didn’t look too pleased?

So the big walk for Dave (sandals) is on Sunday.  I’m pleased because Mum has increased my food to give me the strength.  We are leaving Ashgate Hospice at 9am and walking home – 20 miles.  Martin who used to walk me when I was a puppy is coming along – yipee, he ALWAYS carries treats.  Anyway, if you are walking with us great.  If not come to the pub from 4pm.  We have got a young girl who is a GREAT singer coming in, I might just join in, and a raffle for some brill prizes and I heard Mum say free food, what more could you want?  Its all for Ashgate Hospice so do come on in and join the fun, I would love to see you.  Mind you don’t hog the fire because after walking 20 miles I know where I will be laying!

I will let you know how it goes, I think with other money raised we are nearly at £1000 how good is that?

Off for some rest ………. Humph Humphrey