The Red Lion Litton


Mum has just got the laptop out so up I’ve jumped to do my bit.  Mother’s Day was rammed.  All the Mum’s were very jolly and seemed to love their present from the pub.  Martin came to take me a walk. He let me off the lead this time and I found some water to jump in, yippee I love water, that’s why I’ve got webbed feet.  I think I took a bit too long to come back to him.  We got back to the pub and he said ‘A pint of Porter’ with a look of need on his face.  Never mind I least I came back.  There was some lovely sheep over the wall that looked like they wanted to play.  Penny’s Porter is the new beer we have on this week.  It’s selling like hot cakes and I heard someone say ‘rich with roasted notes’ or was it roasted bones.  Back to presents.  Mum has bought me a new ‘bandana’.  It’s very smart and quite comfortable until I heard someone read the writing ‘DO NOT FEED’  I went in to shock and my eyes nearly popped out of my head.  Mum said ‘calm down Humph I only mean in the pub’.  What a relief, I LOVE my food.  Oh, what about this.  Some one phoned to book the Bed & Breakfast.  She said her daughter has a Labrador in Australia called Humphrey.  I said lovely, make sure he stays in Australia, there is only one Humphrey in this world.  Mum told me to shut up.  I think I’ll have a pint of Porter, it seemed to work for Martin.

See you soon,  Humphrey Humphrey