The Red Lion Litton


I said Joy’s dog was a Boarder Collie, its a Boarder Terrier.  How am I supposed to know, its not a black lab!  It was lovely though!

We had the Quiz for Dave (sandals) on Friday.  It was great, loads of people came along and we had food – it smelt lovely…….  We raised £200 for Ashgate Hospice, how good is that?  Everyone is talking about the 20 mile Walk on Sunday 18 March now.  I’m definitely going, I’m in training with Toby.  Mum says there will be food for everyone when they get back and we’ve got a lovely girl singing, she popped in last night, my can she sing!  Everything is for Ashgate Hospice so you can sponsor me on  You can come along as well, ask your Mum and Dad to bring you.  I’ll bring the doggie treats because you can bet the humans will look after themselves!

I’ve just looked outside and the white stuff is falling from the sky – yippee I’m off!

Catch you soon

Humph x Humphrey