The Red Lion Litton


Today is Friday 16 February 2018 and I am officially 3 years old.  The humans keep saying that means you are 21 Humph, how do their brains work?

I’ve had a lovely day.  Toby (my dog walker and good friend) bought me a present all wrapped up.  How kind.  I ripped it open and hey not one but two bones, fantastic.

Mum took me a walk this morning.  I love it because she lets me be off the lead mostly.  If we see the big fluffy things in the field I get a stern ‘Humph leave it’, I only want to play?  Mum has taken loads of photo’s of me.  I just sit and look into the camera its very easy.  She says I’m a poser whatever one of them is.  Mum has sent some pictures to Debbie, she was my first Mum with 2 legs and lives my Mum with 4 legs, its very confusing.

I was really embarrassed, Mum told our customers it was my birthday and they sang to me, can you imagine?  I didn’t know where to look.  Thankfully Albert had left by then.  Yes, Albert came in on my birthday.  He didn’t let on but I think he knew and came in especially.  ‘Bert’ was my first friend and ear cleaner, I will never forget him!

I like being 3.  I wish I could stay this age for ever but hey there’s life in the old dog yet!

So my friends, don’t forget the walk on the 18 March.  I heard Mum say she is going to get me some boots to wear, I just can’t imagine.  That reminds me Alzheimer’s Research…..our Gin night is this Thursday 22 February.  Even if you can’t make it (I hope you do) we have got some brilliant raffle prizes all to do with Gin.  You can buy raffle tickets from the pub and we’ll put your name on them.  Remember its all for Alzheimer’s and as Mum says, we’ll all get it one day Humph……

Well the first day of my 4th year is tomorrow, off for some zzzzzzzzz

Come and see me soon I’m officially 21????????

Humph Humphrey X