The Red Lion Litton

I’ve been so busy entertaining!

What a week!  I think we’ve had more dog breeds in here this week than Crufts!  That’s where Mum went and brought back that ‘do not feed collar’!

First there’s Guy.  Guy works behind the bar.  Mum calls him ‘something’ something’ Guy.  She said I can’t type it here because its for humans only, why do humans have to be so different?  Anyway Guy (and Sue his wife) have got two lovely ‘labs’.  They’re a funny colour but Mum said ‘just because you’re a ‘black lab’ Humph, it doesn’t mean they all are’.  Sika is a baby.  She seems to ignore me but stares at Mum when the dog treat box is around.  She’s got an older sister, Brie.  Mum loves Brie, she’s getting on a bit, that’s Brie not Mum.  I think she reminds Mum of Rupert her last ‘black lab’.  Talking of Rupert, Mum says she thinks I have some of Rupert’s spirit in me.  The only spirit I know is those behind the bar and I never get a look in at those!

Holly, a black lab, has been on holiday for the week and popped in most nights.  I think she took a shine to me, and wasn’t bad looking herself if I may say so.  Someone phoned to come for lunch and said they were bringing a visitor from South Africa who wanted to meet me.  (I really lifted my shoulders and combed my head), anyway she came in, I think I heard her name was Helen but I might be wrong.  She’s got not one, but three ‘labs’, only one black one but I forgive her.  Nice photo of them on a beach…………………if only.

Mum invited Helen? to stick a pin on a blue thing on the wall.  Naomi said ‘they are maps Humph’.  We’ve got 2.  One of the world and one of the UK.  When customers come in they are invited to put a pin in where they have come from.  I go past these everyday when I nip out to the garden and let me tell you there are pins all over the place.   People, and their dogs, come from all over the world to our lovely country pub, how good is that?

Before I go and have 5 minutes with Max, he’s a person not a dog, Max used to be the landlord here many years ago, I suppose I must mention Barry!   Barry is a Wheaten Terrier.  He came in with his Mum and Dad.  Oh my, Mum was ‘oh he’s so cute, oh he’s lovely, come and look Humph’.   He was ok!  Not bad looking if you like that kind of thing.  For me its ‘black lab’ first, oh apart from Albert.

Off to compare notes with Max now.  See you soon……..come and try Chef’s specials, the lamb smells amazing!
