Mum got the square black thing out so I thought ‘blimey she really doesn’t want me to leave’ so I jumped up beside her and here we go.
I smell beautiful. Toby ( he’s my new best mate and takes me a walk every afternoon), took me down the dale today. I love it, there’s loads of rabbits. In fact, a few weeks ago I ate one! Toby was really worried, Mum was distraught. She phoned the vet and she said ‘don’t worry, keep an eye on him and if he starts sweating bring him in’ WHAT was all the fuss about? I had a lovely full tummy AND how can you tell if a ‘black lab’ is sweating? Anyway, back to today. I saw my favourite perfume there in the grass and hey, I had a lovely roll in it – eau de Humph.
We’ve got a new beer, Butcombe’s 42. Naomi, our beer expert, says it the answer to life, the universe and everything. I’m not really bothered, its black. In my eyes anything black belongs to me. I keep sitting in front of the bar gazing at the pump clip (even my mate Martin has been allowed to drink it), but Mum says ‘Humph, in your dreams’. There’s no room in my dreams! They’re full of my food, chef’s treats (the long orange things), the lovely ‘black lab’ that popped in earlier, water in any form and oh ….. rabbits.
I’m nodding off ….zzzzzzz
See you soon