The Red Lion Litton

Where does the time go?

Hello Humph here.  I’ve got so much to tell you but forget to write it all down.   Big news!  I’ve got a half brother.  A black lab came in the pub the other day and he looked like me.  Now I know we labs all look the same to the humans but he REALLY did look like me.  Mum chatted to his Mum and she said they lived in Derby, that’s where I was born.  Anyway his Mum is brown, mine is yellow, but guess what we have the same Dad.  His name is Hugo from Dale Abbey Labradors.  How exciting is that?  I didn’t realise my Dad had a couple of women but I guess that’s the norm in my world.  The pub has been busy.  Lou, our cleaner is off sick.  I miss Lou, I love helping her to vacuum in a morning.  Mum says I am like a vacuum cleaner, does that mean I am round with a smiley face?  Someone fed me in the pub this week, yippee.  Mum didn’t look very happy though!  Chef has been really friendly to me this week.   He says he is going to send me off with the butcher.  How nice of him to think of sending me out in the butchers van for the day.  I heard Cal say he is leaving the pub to start his own business venture.  Panic!  who is going to save me the beef on a Sunday.  I’m really going to miss Cal, he plays with me in the garden. I guess we will be getting someone new.  I hope they like dogs and know how to carve beef!  We have got a new cider called Orchard Pig.  Everyone is raving about it.  I couldn’t possibly comment because as usual I’ll be the last one to try it.  I am the landlord after all………. I’m off to check my estate before bed.  Come and see me soon, you can tell me about the new cider.

Humphrey Humphrey